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Hitachi Health Insurance Society
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Basic health checkup

Once each fiscal year, the Hitachi Health Insurance Society subsidizes one of the following health checkups: complete medical checkup, abbreviated complete medical checkup, health checkup for women, and periodic health checkup. Each of these serves as both a statutory health checkup (periodic health checkup) and a specific health checkup. (Note that the establishment pays the full cost of Periodic Health Checkup A/B.)

  • * No subsidy will be provided for complete medical checkups, abbreviated complete medical checkups, or health checkups for women for employees who have already received a statutory health checkup (e.g., Periodic Health Checkup 35/A/B) through group checkups organized by their establishments.
  • * You are eligible for the subsidy only once per fiscal year even if you transfer to another establishment during the fiscal year. Take care to avoid duplicated checkups; the second checkup for a given fiscal year is not covered by the subsidy.
  • * Also check the information provided by your establishment concerning health checkups.
    Follow the instructions provided by the establishment if the establishment coordinates procedures for health checkups and subsidy applications.

Checkup flow

1.When being examined at an examining institution contracted by the Hitachi Health Insurance Society

  • Choose your preferred examining institution from the List of Contracted Examining Institutions [for Employees] and find out how to make an appointment.
    Click here for the List of Contracted Examining Institutions [for Employees].
    * An authentication ID or health insurance card is required to view the list.
    • [If Web appointment is available]
    • ①Log in to MY HEALTH WEB, click “Health Checkup Appointment,” then click the “Immediate Appointment/Appointment Request” button to proceed.
      Click here for the Web appointment operation manual.
    • ②Select “Immediate Appointment” if this option is available. (With an “Immediate Appointment,” your appointment is immediately scheduled on the Web.)
      For an “Appointment Request,” you will receive notice of the results of arranging the appointment schedule at a later date at your registered email address. (This may take 10 days or so.)
      • * If the results of arranging the appointment schedule are “Further arrangements required,” click the “Immediate Appointment/Appointment Request” button to proceed again.
    • ③If you are unable to use MY HEALTH WEB, apply for a checkup via the Hitachi Health Insurance Society Health Checkup Call Center.
      If you apply through the Hitachi Health Insurance Society Health Checkup Call Center, you will receive notice of the results of arranging the appointment schedule at a later date at your registered address (by simple registered mail). (This may take 10 days or so.)
    • [If only direct appointment is available]
    • ①Telephone the examining institution yourself to make an appointment.
      (Have your health insurance card ready when you call.)
      • * When making your appointment, tell the operator that you are requesting a complete medical checkup under contract to the Hitachi Health Insurance Society.
    • ②After making an appointment, report the appointment details by clicking the “Report Direct Appointment” button under “Health Checkup Appointment” on MY HEALTH WEB.
      Click here for the appointment report operation manual.
    • ③If you are unable to use MY HEALTH WEB, notify the Hitachi Health Insurance Society Health Checkup Call Center that you have made a health checkup appointment.
      • * Tell the operator “I would like to report a direct appointment” to facilitate the procedure.
    • [If only appointment coordinated by the establishment is available]
    • The examining institution accepts only applications coordinated by the establishment. Consult with your establishment.
  • The examining institution will send you a questionnaire and other materials by (approximately) one week before the date of the checkup.
  • Check the information provided by the examining institution, then go and get the checkup. Be sure to bring the following items with you on the date of the checkup:
    [Items required for the checkup]
    • ①Your health insurance card
    • ②The amount of money to be paid by the examinee *
    • ③Specimen containers (if received from the examining institution)
      • * For checkups that meet the contractual terms and conditions, there is no need to request a subsidy after the checkup. Only the examinee’s copayment is incurred at the time of the checkup.
  • After receiving the checkup, report the health checkup under “Health Checkup Appointment” on MY HEALTH WEB.
    Click here for the health checkup report operation manual.
    If you are unable to use MY HEALTH WEB, notify the Hitachi Health Insurance Society Health Examination Call Center that you received the checkup.
    • * Tell the operator “I would like to report a health checkup” to facilitate the procedure.
  • The examining institution will send the health examination results.
    Use the health examination results to manage your own health.
    Contact the examining institution with any questions or consultation requests regarding the health examination results.
    Secondary (follow-up/detailed) examinations are covered by health insurance. Present your health insurance card at the medical care institution when going to undergo these examinations.
  • [Address any inquiries to]
    Hitachi Health Insurance Society Health Checkup Call Center
    Hours: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm (closed Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays)

2.When being examined at an examining institution other than one contracted by the Hitachi Health Insurance Society

  • Make an appointment with the examining institution specified by your establishment or with your preferred examining institution.
    • ①Telephone the examining institution yourself to make an appointment.
    • ②After making an appointment, report the appointment details by clicking the “Report Direct Appointment” button under “Health Checkup Appointment” on MY HEALTH WEB.
      Click here for the appointment report operation manual.
    • ③If you are unable to use MY HEALTH WEB, notify the Hitachi Health Insurance Society Health Checkup Call Center that you have made a health checkup appointment.
      • * Tell the operator “I would like to report a direct appointment” to facilitate the procedure.
  • Undergo the checkup at the examining institution.
    Be sure to bring the following items with you on the date of the checkup:
    [Items required for the checkup]
    • ①Your health insurance card
    • ②The entire amount of the costs of the checkup
    • ③Specimen containers (if received from the examining institution)
  • Pay the entire amount of the checkup costs up front at the counter of the examining institution and obtain a receipt.
    The original receipt and a copy of the health examination results are required to claim the subsidy.
    [Information that must be included on the receipt]
    • ①Date of checkup
    • ②Name of examining institution
    • ③Name of examinee
    • ④Total amount paid (broken down by each detailed item of the checkup)
    • ⑤Note: Showing the name of the health examination (or test) received, such as “Cost of complete medical checkup”
    • ⑥"Received" stamp
  • After receiving the checkup, report the health checkup under “Health Checkup Appointment” on MY HEALTH WEB.
    Click here for the health checkup report operation manual.
    If you are unable to use MY HEALTH WEB, notify the Hitachi Health Insurance Society Health Examination Call Center that you received the checkup.
    • * Tell the operator “I would like to report a health checkup” to facilitate the procedure.
  • The examining institution will send the health examination results.
    Use the health examination results to manage your own health.
    Contact the examining institution with any questions or consultation requests regarding the health examination results.
    Secondary (follow-up/detailed) examinations are covered by health insurance. Present your health insurance card at the medical care institution when going to undergo these examinations.
  • Claim the subsidy from the Hitachi Health Insurance Society.
    Promptly submit the application documents to the Hitachi Health Insurance Society after you receive your checkup results.
  • The subsidy will be paid through bank transfer.
    After confirmation of the details, the subsidy will be paid through bank transfer to the financial institution indicated on the subsidy claim form.
    Due to the time it takes to complete related procedures, for a claim received by the 15th of the month the subsidy will be transferred at the end of the second month thereafter (or the preceding business day if the end of the month is a Saturday, Sunday, or holiday).
    • *It may take some time to confirm the details of the claim.
      Please note that transfer may be delayed as a result.
Application form Application support system
Request for subsidy for health checkups
  • (Connect to Hitachi Group Intranet.)
If you are unable to use the application support system
Documents to attach
  • Receipt (original)
    • * The Society cannot return submitted receipts.
  • Copy of health examination results
  • Specific Health Checkup Questionnaire
Mail to

External mail:
Rodohokenkyokai Administrative Center (attn.: Hitachi Health Insurance Society employee reimbursements)
REID-C Higashikanda Building, 2-10-15 Higashikanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0031

Inter-office mail:
(HQ) Health Insurance (Iwamotocho) Administrative Center (attn.: Hitachi Health Insurance Society employee reimbursements)

  • * Do not enclose any other documents. The address above is exclusively for use to claim the subsidy for health checkups.
Claims accepted through Monday, April 15, 2024 (must be received no later than this date)
  • You may be contacted during the review process at your registered email address.
    Set your email client to accept messages from the domain “”
  • The following checkups are not eligible for claims for individual reimbursements.
    Check with the person in charge of health checkups at your establishment.
    • Checkups received overseas (since confirmation at the establishment is needed)
    • Periodic Health Checkup A (since this can be received if judged necessary by the industrial physician at the establishment)
Address inquiries to: Rodohokenkyokai Administrative Center (attn.: Hitachi Health Insurance Society employee reimbursements)
Tel. 0120-026-086