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Hitachi Health Insurance Society
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Complete medical checkup

Once each fiscal year, the Hitachi Health Insurance Society will subsidize one of the following health checkups: complete medical checkup; abbreviated complete medical checkup; health checkup for women; and specific health checkup (using a checkup ticket). Each of these also serves as a specific health checkup.

Complete medical checkup

This is a comprehensive exam of the entire body.
Recommended for the early detection and prevention of lifestyle-related conditions such as high blood pressure, myocardial infarction, and diabetes.

Eligible persons

Employee family members, Voluntarily and Continuously Insured Persons and their family members, and Special-Case Retired Insured Persons and their family members aged 35 years or older who are members of the Hitachi Health Insurance Society

  • *Subsidies are available only to those who are members of the Hitachi Health Insurance Society at the time of the checkup.
  • *The age used to determine eligibility is the age as of the end of the fiscal year (March 31).

Number of times the subsidy can be provided

Once per fiscal year

  • *The subsidy is available once per fiscal year for one of the following checkups: complete medical checkup; abbreviated complete medical checkup; health checkup for women; specific health checkup (using a checkup ticket).
  • *The subsidy for a health checkup is paid only once per fiscal year. This applies even if you left your employer during the fiscal year but remained a member as a Voluntarily and Continuously Insured Person, a Special-Case Retired Insured Person, or a dependent.

Examination items

Amounts paid by examinee and amounts of subsidy provided by health insurance

Cost of complete medical checkup (tax included) Amount paid by examinee (tax included) Amount of subsidy provided by health insurance (tax included)
40,721 yen or more Cost of complete medical checkup minus 28,520 yen Cost of complete medical checkup minus amount paid by examinee (*1); not to exceed 28,520 yen
20,667 to 40,720 yen 30% of complete medical checkup (*2)
(rounded down to the nearest 100 yen)
6,101 to 20,666 yen 6,000 yen(*3)
  • (*1) Any amount beyond the maximum subsidy provided by health insurance will be added to the amount paid by the examinee.
  • (*2) If the amount of the subsidy provided by health insurance exceeds the maximum amount (28,520 yen) after rounding down to the nearest 100 yen, the examinee shall bear the resulting difference in amounts.
  • (*3) The minimum amount paid by the examinee is 6,100 yen (tax included).
    If the cost of the complete medical checkup is less than 6,100 yen (tax included), then it will not be eligible for the subsidy.

Examining institutions where you can undergo this checkup

1.Examining institutions contracted by the Hitachi Health Insurance Society to provide complete medical checkups

See here for the list of contracted examining institutions (for employee family members, Voluntarily and Continuously Insured Persons and their family members, and Special-Case Retired Insured Persons and their family members)

  • * See here for the list of contracted examining institutions for FY2023.
  • * An authentication ID or health insurance card is required to view the list.

2.Examining institutions other than those contracted by the Hitachi Health Insurance Society to provide complete medical checkups