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Hitachi Health Insurance Society
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Harasuma Diet (Lite)

About Harasuma Diet (Lite)

This diet program was developed for Hitachi Health Insurance Society members based on the concept of the Harasuma Diet, a project to combat visceral fat proposed by Dr. Toru Nakagawa of the Hitachi Health Management Center.

Supports effortless weight loss

Participants weigh themselves twice a day, when they wake up in the morning and when they go to bed at night, and record daily changes in their weight. The goal is to lose 5% of body weight in 90 days. They use “100 kcal cards,” which show food and exercise guidelines equivalent to 100 kcal, to achieve effective, effortless weight loss.

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To participate in this program, apply under Harasuma Diet (Lite) on MY HEALTH WEB.