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Hitachi Health Insurance Society
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About us

Business overview

(As of April 1, 2023)
Established April 1, 1986
Number of insured persons(*
  General Special-Case
Men 152,728 15,030 167,758
Women 31,072 270 31,342
Total 183,800 15,300 199,100
Average standard monthly remuneration(* 436,200 yen for ordinary insured persons
280,000 yen for Special-Case Retired Insured Persons
Insurance premium rates General
8.7% (including regulation insurance premium rate)
(Employer: 5.0%; insured person: 3.7%)
Long-term care
(Employer: 0.88%; insured person: 0.88%)
Society Committee The number of committee members is fixed at 42 persons (21 appointed committee members, 21 elected committee members).
Board of Directors The number of directors is fixed at 12 persons (six appointed directors, six elected directors).
Auditors The number of auditors is fixed at two persons (one appointed auditor, one elected auditor).
Rules and official announcements See here for details.(Authentication is required to view this content.)

(*) Base figures from FY2023 budget

Basic philosophy

Basic philosophy

As the health insurance society for the Hitachi Group, our basic philosophy calls for us to support the healthy and happy lives of members based on the Hitachi Founding Spirit (Harmony, Sincerity, and Pioneering Spirit).

Activity policies

We strive to support the health of our members.

We strive to ensure quality healthcare and information provision.

We strive to stabilize our financial standing through appropriate activity operations.

Code of conduct

We take pride in fulfilling our mission based on a full understanding of the basic philosophy.

  • We act in compliance with laws, regulations, and ethical standards as responsible corporate citizens.
  • We strive to attain specialized knowledge and improve our working capabilities by taking on the challenge of self-improvement at all times.
  • We interact with people in good faith at all times and strive to gain their trust.
  • We value the spirit of harmony and strive to achieve activity goals by bringing together knowledge from across the organization.
  • We respect personal information of our members and make every effort to protect the confidentiality of this information.

Established April 1, 2010

Health management initiatives

Health Management Statement

Identifying as its unchanging approach the basic principle of the Hitachi Group Health and Safety Policy “Health and Safety Always Comes First,” the Hitachi Health Insurance Society promotes both safety activities and health management activities intended to maintain and improve the health of employees.
We pledge to strive to achieve workplaces in which all employees who belong to the Health Insurance Society can work with vitality in healthy and happy ways.

Hitachi Health Insurance Society
Kenichi Tanaka, Chairman of the Board

Objectives for promoting health management

  • 1. We consider health management to be an important issue from a management perspective, and strategically promote activities related to this field. We aim to ensure the Company continues to be selected to the Certified Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organizations Recognition Program in the large enterprise category as a proven track record in these activities, and promote health management activities by the Health Insurance Society and improve employee performance.
  • 2. The Health Insurance Society's health management themes
    • (1) Promoting workstyle reforms
      • ① The goals of managing working hours in FY2023 include prohibition of working more than 80 hours of overtime per month, prohibition in principle of late-night work, and ensuring that employees take at least 20 days/year of annual paid vacation.
      • ② Implementing diverse modes of work to accommodate employee childcare and long-term care needs
    • (2) Health promotion initiatives
      • ① Supporting employee health through health guidance and lifestyle guidance in cooperation with industrial physicians, based on health examination and specific health checkup results
      • ② Maintaining and promoting health by raising anew health awareness and encouraging behavioral changes
      • ③ Specialist consultation services for employees and their families on health, long-term care, childcare, and other topics via the Hitachi Health Insurance Society's Health Consultation Hotline (24 hours/day, 365 days/year)

Status of initiatives, etc.

Item Numerical target FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Percentage undergoing periodic health checkups 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Percentage undergoing stress checks 100% 83.7% 98.9% 97.5% 95.6%
Percentage for whom specific health guidance is provided 47% 33.3% 66.6% 87.5% 87.5%
Smoking rate 27% 18.0% 13.3% 11.5% 15.3%
Absences due to 0 persons 2 persons 2 persons 2 persons 6 persons
Average overtime hours 8.0 hours 8.0 hours 16.0 hours 16.0 hours
Annual paid vacation taken 20 days/year 16 days 21 days 18 days 18 days
Percentage undergoing detailed examinations 66.7%

Organizational structure <Health Management Promotion Committee>

Health management implementation structure chart

Society health issues and health management strategies

Beginning in FY2023, the Society conducts a Health Management Survey of all employees. This survey is intended to help visualize trends in lifestyle habits and identify key factors and obstacles in our efforts to raise health awareness.
The Health Management Survey this time covered employee awareness of behavioral tendencies related to seven lifestyle habits: nutrition, exercise, smoking, mental health, sleep, alcohol consumption, and stiff shoulders/lumbar pain.

The state of employee health issues identified through the survey will be reported in the monthly meeting of the Health and Safety Committee and other occasions and used in efforts toward solutions to health issues (such as seminars, walking rallies, and other activities), in order to improve employee health.

<Details of health survey results>

1. Diet
Do you try to maintain a balanced diet in your daily life?


2. Exercise
On how many days a week do you walk for at least one hour or engage in similar physical activity (e.g., cleaning, laundry)?


3. Smoking
Do you smoke?


4. Mental health
How often do you feel stress in your daily life?

Mental health

5. Sleep
Over the past month, did you have sufficient sleep to refresh yourself?


6. Alcohol consumption
On how many days a week do you consume alcohol (e.g., sake, shochu, beer, wine, liquor)?

Alcohol consumption

7. Stiff shoulders/lumbar pain
Do you ever experience stiff shoulders or lumbar pain?

Stiff shoulders/lumbar pain

Strategy map

Topics to be addressed by health management

  • Improving employee performance
  • Improving employee health and health awareness
  • Preventing drops in productivity attributable to lifestyle-related conditions, injuries, illness, and mental health issues
Strategy map