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Hitachi Health Insurance Society
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Subsidies for health checkups (for employee family members, Voluntarily and Continuously Insured Persons and their family members, and Special-Case Retired Insured Persons and their family members)

The Hitachi Health Insurance Society provides various subsidies for health checkups.
Please review the specifics of health checkup subsidy programs before using them.
See the individual pages linked below for details.

For employee family members, Voluntarily and Continuously Insured Persons and their family members, and Special-Case Retired Insured Persons and their family members

The checkup items for which subsidies are available differ by age. Refer to the table below and check the page for each checkup item.

  • *Subsidies are available only to those who are members of the Hitachi Health Insurance Society at the time of the checkup.
  • *The age used to determine eligibility is the age as of the end of the fiscal year (March 31).
Health checkup item Eligible persons Amount paid by examinee (tax included) Maximum subsidy provided by health insurance (tax included)
Basic health checkupsComplete medical checkup Employee family members, Voluntarily and Continuously Insured Persons, Special-Case Retired Insured Persons 35 or older Roughly 30% of the cost of the health checkup 28,520 yen
Abbreviated complete medical checkup Employee family members, Voluntarily and Continuously Insured Persons, Special-Case Retired Insured Persons 30 or older Flat fee of 3,000 yen Checkup cost minus amount paid by examinee
Health checkup for womenEmployee family members, Voluntarily and Continuously Insured Persons, Special-Case Retired Insured Persons 30 or older (women only)
Specific health checkup (using a checkup ticket) Employee family members, Voluntarily and Continuously Insured Persons, Special-Case Retired Insured Persons 30 or older (women only) Free Full cost paid by the Health Insurance Society
Specified site examinationsCervical cancer screening Employee family members, Voluntarily and Continuously Insured Persons, Special-Case Retired Insured Persons 25 or older (women only) Amount beyond the maximum subsidy provided by health insurance 2,850 yen
Breast cancer screening Employee family members, Voluntarily and Continuously Insured Persons, Special-Case Retired Insured Persons 30 or older (women only) 3,570 yen(*2)
Stomach cancer screening Only employee family members, Voluntarily and Continuously Insured Persons, Special-Case Retired Insured Persons 30 or older who undergo the health checkup for women 7,130 yen
Abdominal examination Employee family members, Voluntarily and Continuously Insured Persons, Special-Case Retired Insured Persons 30 or older 3,570 yen
Arteriosclerosis examination Employee family members, Voluntarily and Continuously Insured Persons, Special-Case Retired Insured Persons 35 or older 2,550 yen
Hepatitis viral examination 2,040 yen
Thyroid function test 3,570 yen
Lung cancer screening Employee family members, Voluntarily and Continuously Insured Persons, Special-Case Retired Insured Persons 35 or older 7,130 yen
ABC examination
(testing for risk of stomach cancer)
3,570 yen
Brain MR examination Employee family members, Voluntarily and Continuously Insured Persons, Special-Case Retired Insured Persons at the milestone ages of 35 years, 40 years, and every three years thereafter (*1) 20,370 yen
Prostate cancer screening Employee family members, Voluntarily and Continuously Insured Persons, Special-Case Retired Insured Persons 50 or older (men only) 1,530 yen
Dental examination Employee family members, Voluntarily and Continuously Insured Persons, Special-Case Retired Insured Persons 16 or older 3,060 yen
  • (*1) Milestone ages: those whose age at the end of the fiscal year is 35, 40, 43, 46, 49, 52, 55, 58, 61, 64, 67, 70, or 73
  • (*2) Following revisions of the subsidy program for specified site examinations effective from FY2018, the maximum subsidy increases to 6,620 yen if certain conditions are met. (For more information, see the Description page for specified site examinations [optional examinations].)