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Smoking Cessation Support Program

Outline of the program

The following programs are available for FY2023.

  • ◆ Minchalle
    This new smoking cessation program is based on an app and smoking cessation medication. While remaining anonymous, you can join a smoking cessation team whose members encourage one another to quit smoking.
  • ◆ Smoking Cessation Program for Light Smokers
    This program provides professional support for light smokers (those who began smoking relatively recently or smoke relatively infrequently).
    Joining is easy. Just provide an email address.

The schedules for the Minchalle and the Smoking Cessation Program for Light Smokers in FY2023 are shown below.

Program Entry period Program implementation
[End of application]
Minchalle, Session 1
Wednesday, May 31 – Wednesday, June 21, 2023 Starting on June 22, 2023
[End of application]
Smoking Cessation Program for Light Smokers
Thursday, September 28 – Friday, October 27, 2023 Starting on November 21, 2023
Minchalle, Session 2 Wednesday, January 10 – Wednesday, January 31, 2024 Starting on February 1, 2024

* Note that schedules are subject to change.

  • ◆ Remote Smoking Cessation Program [Suspended]
    This is a remote outpatient smoking cessation program using doctor-prescribed smoking cessation medication.
    • * This program is currently suspended due to difficulties obtaining smoking cessation medication to be used.

Some medical care institutions have resumed offering outpatient smoking cessation programs covered by insurance. If you would like to undergo one of these programs, visit the Japan Society for Tobacco Control website (below).

Japan Society for Tobacco Control website

Eligible persons

Hitachi Health Insurance Society insured persons (employees) aged 20 and older who want to stop smoking.

Smokers aged 20 or above who desire to quit smoking

* See MY HEALTH WEB for the contest period, points awarded, how to participate, and other information.