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Privacy Policy

Hitachi Health Insurance Society Privacy Policy

The Hitachi Health Insurance Society (“Society” hereinafter) implements various activities intended to provide insurance benefits to insured persons and dependents and to maintain and improve their health. In implementing such activities, the Society strives to acquire, use, and protect personal information appropriately, by establishing the following policies on the handling of personal information.

1. Structure

As part of its efforts to assure appropriate management of personal information, in addition to implementing educational and awareness-raising activities for executives, Committee members, and all employees, the Society appoints persons responsible for management in all sections that handle personal information. The Society also performs audits to confirm that personal information is protected by adequate safeguards.

2. Acquisition, use, and provision of personal information

In acquiring, using, and providing personal information, except where collection is required by the Health Insurance Act or other laws and regulations, the Society clearly indicates to members the purposes of use of personal information and uses the information solely to the extent necessary to achieve the purposes. Individual Numbers are used solely within the scope of use stipulated in the Act on the Use of Numbers to Identify a Specific Individual in Administrative Procedures. Personal information containing Individual Numbers will not be provided to other parties except as provided for in the Act on the Use of Numbers to Identify a Specific Individual in Administrative Procedures, regardless of whether the individual concerned has consented to such provision.

3. Subcontracted operations

When subcontracting operations to achieve the intended purposes of use, the Society thoroughly reviews subcontractor qualifications before concluding subcontracting agreements to ensure appropriate management and supervision of the subcontractor regarding the handling of personal information.

4. Security measures

The Society takes appropriate measures to ensure information of insured persons and dependents is accurate and up to date. In addition, the Society takes all measures deemed necessary to address various risks, including the risk of loss, damage, unauthorized alteration, and leakage of information.

5. Disclosure procedures and complaint resolution

The Society has a contact point for personal information and responds swiftly in accordance with the Health Insurance Act and other laws and regulations and various rules concerning personal information to any inquiries or complaints concerning personal information or requests for the disclosure, correction, or deletion of personal information contained in the Society’s personal information database from insured persons and dependents.

6. Compliance with laws and regulations

In addition to complying with the laws and regulations of Japan and other norms concerning the protection of personal information, the Society continually reviews and strives to improve various rules concerning personal information.

7. Continual improvements

The Society implements continual improvements of its management structures and systems related to the protection of personal information.

Established April 1, 2005
Revised April 1, 2022
Hitachi Health Insurance Society
Kenichi Tanaka, Chairman of the Board

[Address any inquiries concerning the content of this Policy to]
Hitachi Health Insurance Society Privacy Promotion Secretariat
TEL:03-4554-3110 FAX:03-4554-3005