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Hitachi Health Insurance Society
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Health Consultation

The Hitachi Health Insurance Society has established a Health Consultations menu that all members can use to consult by telephone on health questions and concerns. We encourage you to take advantage of this menu.

About Health Consultations

You can consult with professionals on health, long-term care, and childcare.
A menu of six consultation services is available.

Family health consultation

Consultation is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with qualified, highly experienced counselors including public health nurses. Health consultation with a consulting physician is also available.

Best Doctors® Service

If you were diagnosed with a condition covered by this service, such as cancer, heart disease, or an aneurysm, you can use it to be guided to outstanding specialists selected through mutual evaluation among specialist physicians, and to receive help in getting a second opinion.

Mental health counseling

You can use this service to receive counseling on the telephone or in person from counselors who are licensed clinical psychologists, for any family or workplace concerns you may have.

Web-based health consultation

This service is popular for consultation on health examination results and similar topics, because it can be easier to understand questions and answers in writing. Qualified health professionals including public health nurses, nurses, and registered dietitians will respond to your questions individually within three business days.

Consultation with medical specialists

If your symptoms require specialized advice, a physician is available to consult with directly. (Appointment required)

Pediatric emergency consultation

A pediatrician is available for consultation 24 hours a day, 365 days a year to consult with you if your child requires emergency care. (No appointment necessary)

About privacy

You may be asked to provide your name and contact information for consultation by appointment with a consulting physician or in-person counseling. Keep in mind that every effort is made to protect the privacy of those using the health consultation services. Your name will never be reported to your employer or to the Health Insurance Society.