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Support programs for infectious disease prevention efforts

The influenza vaccination subsidy program was changed to the support program for infectious disease prevention efforts in fiscal 2019.

[Change 1] It's easy to apply on the web (and even from a smartphone).
[Change 2] A flat rate of 2000 points (MY HEALTH WEB MY Points) is awarded.
[Change 3] Herpes Zoster Vaccination are also eligible for this program during FY2023 and FY2024 (only for employees aged 50 or older as of the end of each fiscal year).

Influenza Vaccination (FY2023)

Eligible persons

Those who are members of the Hitachi Health Insurance Society as of the date of vaccination

  • *Even family members living together with the insured are not eligible if they are not members of the Hitachi Health Insurance Society.
Subject period

Vaccinations provided during the period October 1, 2023 – January 31, 2024

Number of vaccinations supported One during the subject period
Application Period October 1, 2023 - February 29, 2024
Content of support 2,000 points will be awarded as MY HEALTH WEB MY Points (uniformly regardless of the actual vaccination cost).
How to apply

Apply on the web (an insured person may apply for his or her dependents as well).

Date points will be awarded

For applications received between the first and 15th of the month
→ On the 10th of the following month
For applications received between the 16th and 31st of the month
→ On the 25th of the following month

  • *If the date points are to be awarded is a Saturday, Sunday, or holiday, the points will be awarded on the following business day.
  • An image of the receipt (with a “Received” stamp affixed) or proof of vaccination (with an official seal affixed) must be attached. Be sure to obtain either of these at the vaccinating medical care institution.
    Information that must be included on the receipt
  • Vaccinations received using childcare support vouchers or other coupons and vaccinations subsidized by local governments also are eligible for this program.
  • You will not be able to log in to “MY HEALTH WEB” after losing your health insurance eligibility. If your eligibility is due to end for retirement or other reasons, apply using the paper application form. (Note that the content of support provided differs from the web application.)
Other matters
  • If you were vaccinated overseas, please add a Japanese translation to the receipt.
  • The insured person should apply on the web for his or her dependent family members.
  • If you are unable to apply on the web, apply using the paper application form. (Note that the content of support provided differs from the web application.)
  • [Address any inquiries to]
    Infectious Disease Prevention Call Center
    Tel.: 0120-091-567
    Hours: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm (closed Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays)

Herpes Zoster Vaccination

Eligible persons

General insured persons (employees) aged 50 or older as of the end of the fiscal year who are members of the Hitachi Health Insurance Society on the date of vaccination

  • * Voluntarily and Continuously Insured Persons and Special-Case Retired Insured Persons are not eligible.
Subject period

Vaccinations provided during the period April 1, 2023 – March 31, 2025

Number of vaccinations supported Once during the subject period (of the two consecutive fiscal years)
Application Period April 1, 2023 - April 30, 2025
Content of support 2,000 points will be awarded as MY HEALTH WEB MY Points (uniformly regardless of the actual vaccination cost).
How to apply

Apply on the web

Date points will be awarded

For applications received between the first and 15th of the month
→ On the 10th of the following month
For applications received between the 16th and 31st of the month
→ On the 25th of the following month

  • *If the date points are to be awarded is a Saturday, Sunday, or holiday, the points will be awarded on the following business day.
  • An image of the receipt (with a “Received” stamp affixed) or proof of vaccination (with an official seal affixed) must be attached. Be sure to obtain either of these at the vaccinating medical care institution.
    Information that must be included on the receipt
  • Vaccinations subsidized by local governments are also eligible for this program.
  • You will not be able to log in to “MY HEALTH WEB” after losing your health insurance eligibility. If your eligibility is due to end for retirement or other reasons, apply using the paper application form. (Note that the content of support provided differs from the web application.)
Other matters
  • If you were vaccinated overseas, please add a Japanese translation to the receipt.
  • If you are unable to apply on the web, apply using the paper application form. (Note that the content of support provided differs from the web application.)
  • [Address any inquiries to]
    Infectious Disease Prevention Call Center
    Tel.: 0120-091-567
    Hours: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm (closed Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays)