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Specified site examinations (optional examinations)

Examination flow

1. When being examined at an examining institution contracted by the Hitachi Health Insurance Society to provide complete medical checkups

  • Apply at the same time as a complete medical checkup, abbreviated complete medical checkup, or health checkup for women at a contracted examining institution.
    See here for more information (link to the complete medical checkup page).
  • On the date of the examination, undergo the examination and pay only the amount to be paid by the examinee at the examining institution.
    • * Since the subsidy for a specified site examination at a contracted examining institution will be paid by the Hitachi Health Insurance Society to the examining institution directly, you do not need to complete any procedures with the Health Insurance Society after the examination.

2. When being examined by paying the full cost to be reimbursed

  • * Cases such as when being examined at an examining institution other than one contracted by the Hitachi Health Insurance Society, at the same time as a specific health checkup (using a checkup ticket), or for a specified site examination only.
  • Apply directly to an examining institution for a specified site examination.
  • Undergo the examination at the examining institution.
    Be sure to bring the following items with you on the date of the examination.
    [Items required for the examination]
    • ①Your health insurance card
    • ②The entire amount of the specified site examination costs
    • ③Specimen containers (if received from the examining institution)
  • Pay the specified site examination costs up front.
    Pay the entire amount of the specified site examination costs at the counter of the examining institution and obtain a receipt.
    The original receipt and a copy of the health examination results are required to claim the subsidy.
    [Information that must be included on the receipt]
    • ①Date of examination
    • ②Name of examining institution
    • ③Name of examinee
    • ④Total amount paid (broken down by each specified site examination if undergoing more than one)
    • ⑤Description: "Cost of cervical cancer screening", etc.
    • ⑥"Received" stamp
  • Use the health examination results to manage your own health.
    Contact the examining institution with any questions or consultation requests regarding the health examination results.
    Detailed examinations and follow-up examinations are covered by health insurance. Present your health insurance card at a medical care institution to get these examinations.
  • Claim the subsidy from the Hitachi Health Insurance Society.
    Claim the subsidy from the Hitachi Health Insurance Society promptly after you receive the health examination results following the examination.
    If you underwent both a complete medical checkup and a specified site examination paying the costs up front, in principle file a claim for both of these together at the same time.
    [Required documents for claiming the subsidy]
    [Mail to]
    • Hitachi Health Insurance Society, attn.: Individual Reimbursement
      Rodohokenkyokai Administrative Center
      101-8639 (no address required)
    • * No address is required.
    • * Be sure to send by postal mail (claims cannot be accepted if sent by courier services).
    • * Do not enclose any other documents. The address above is exclusively for use to claim the subsidy for health checkups.
    [Claims accepted through]
    • Monday, April 15, 2024 (must be received no later than this date)
  • The subsidy will be paid through bank transfer.
    After confirmation of the details, the subsidy will be paid through bank transfer to the financial institution indicated on the subsidy claim form.

    Due to the time it takes to complete related procedures, for a claim received by the 15th of the month the subsidy will be transferred at the end of the second month thereafter (or the preceding business day if the end of the month is a Saturday, Sunday, or holiday).
    • * It may take some time to confirm the details of the claim.
      Please note that transfer may be delayed as a result.