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Hitachi Health Insurance Society
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Specific health checkup (using a checkup ticket)

Once each fiscal year, the Hitachi Health Insurance Society will subsidize one of the following health checkups: complete medical checkup; abbreviated complete medical checkup; health checkup for women; and specific health checkup (using a checkup ticket). Each of these also serves as a specific health checkup.

Checkup flow

  • Call the Hitachi Health Insurance Society Health Checkup Call Center. (Have your health insurance card ready.)
    Tel. 0120-047-489; hours: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm (closed Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays)
  • The Hitachi Health Insurance Society will send you a checkup ticket (after about three weeks). Review the checkup ticket when it arrives.
    Checkup ticket for specific health checkup
  • Call the desired examining institution to make an appointment.
    When making an appointment, be sure to tell the institution that you wish to make an appointment for a specific health checkup using a checkup ticket.
  • Check the information provided by the examining institution, then go and get the checkup. Be sure to bring the following items with you on the date of the checkup:
    [Items required for the checkup]
    • ①Your health insurance card
    • ②The amount of money to be paid by the examinee
    • ③Specimen containers (if received from the examining institution)
  • The examining institution will send the health examination results.
    Use the health examination results to manage your own health.
    Contact the examining institution with any questions or consultation requests regarding the health examination results.
    Detailed examinations and follow-up examinations are covered by health insurance. Present your health insurance card at a medical care institution to get these examinations.