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Hitachi Health Insurance Society
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When you are exempt from the long-term care insurance program

Long-term care insurance is a public social insurance program run by municipal governments to provide long-term care services. Membership is mandatory for those 40 years of age or older. Under the long-term care insurance system, Health Insurance Societies collect long-term care insurance premiums on behalf of the long-term care insurance program from category 2 insured persons who are members of the Society.

If you cancelled your certificate of residence to move overseas or registered a certificate of residence after returning from overseas (those aged 40-64)

Eligibility to join

Please check the color and symbol of your health insurance card.

Insured person (employee)
If the symbol starts with "1".
Voluntarily and Continuously Insured Person
If the symbol starts with "2".
Special-Case Retired Insured Person
If the symbol starts with "3".
Application Form Click here for procedures using application form T-501: Notification of Overseas Posting Exempt from Long-term Care Insurance/Return to Japan (for Overseas Residents, etc.) (to authentication page). Click here for procedures using application form T-501: Notification of Overseas Posting Exempt from Long-term Care Insurance/Return to Japan (for Overseas Residents, etc.) (to authentication page).
Documents to attach none none
Deadline Promptly after the reason arises Promptly after the reason arises
Submit documents to Your employer’s health insurance contact (e.g., General Affairs, Labor Management) Operations (Application)
Hitachi Health Insurance Society
Higashi-Ochanomizu Building, 2-29, Kanda Awaji-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 101-0063
Others Special-Case Retired Insured Person who resides overseas will lose his or her eligibility as a member of the Hitachi Health Insurance Society.
Contact the contact point indicated below in these cases.
Address inquiries to Operations (Application)
Hitachi health insurance society
TEL 03-4554-3020
Operations (Application)
Hitachi health insurance society
TEL 03-4554-3020

If you were admitted to or released from a specified facility (those aged 40-64)

Contact the Health Insurance Society’s Operations Dept. (Application).