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Hitachi Health Insurance Society
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If you take time off from work due to sickness

"Injury and Sickness Allowance" is paid when an insured person unable to earn a salary or other income while unable to work due to a nonoccupational sickness or injury.

Claiming Injury and Sickness Allowance

Eligibility to join

Please check the color and symbol of your health insurance card.

Insured person (employee)
If the symbol starts with "1".
Application Form Application support system
Claim for Injury and Sickness Allowance

(Connect to Hitachi Group Intranet.)

If you are unable to use the application support system

Documents to attach
Deadline Within two years from the day after each date of inability to work due to medical treatment
Submit documents to Your employer’s health insurance contact (e.g., General Affairs, Labor Management)
  • Apply for days of inability to work (including Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays) in monthly payroll units.
  • A separate notification is required in cases of illness or injury attributable to a third party.
    Contact the contact point indicated below.
Address inquiries to

Operations (Benefits)
Hitachi health insurance society 

TEL 03-4554-3030