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Documents to attach for dependent certification

  • No documents need to be attached if the reason for application is a change in the insured person’s place of employment (company) or re-employment.
  • In principle, note that the necessary documents will not be returned after they are submitted.
  • You may be asked to submit other documents in addition to those described below during the certification review process.
    Your cooperation is appreciated in such cases.

Chart of documents to attach

Submit the applicable documents under [B] together with those under [A].
If [C] applies, submit the relevant documents together with those under [A] and [B].

[A] Documents required regardless of the subject person’s relationship to the insured, reason for applying, etc.

Reason for application Documents to attach
All reasons Certificate of residence or request for certificate of items stated in resident register
  • * Attach for all members of the household of the person subject to the application.
  • * Be sure to attach the certificate of residence in the case of a foreign resident in Japan.
Report on Circumstances of Dependent
  • * Not required if the person subject to the application is under 19 years of age in the applicable fiscal year (A fiscal year refers to the period from April through March of the following calendar year.)

[B] Documents required depending on the reason for applying ◎ Attach these together with the documents under [A].

Reason for application Documents to attach
Concurrent with acquisition of eligibility as insured person ★Documents for confirmation of income
Marriage ★Documents for confirmation of income

Certificates of income and withholding tax of both spouses for the previous year (copies)
* Not required if the spouse is a Hitachi Health Insurance Society dependent

* You may be asked to submit additional documents in the event of differences in income amounts between the previous year and the time of application and anticipated future amounts.

Loss of employment
(* Note 1)
Separation slips 1 and 2 (copies) or retirement certificate
Request for Dependent Certification Due to Receipt/Non-Receipt of Unemployment or Other Benefits
Termination of receipt of unemployment benefits
(* Note 1)
Certificate of eligibility for employment insurance benefits (copies of all pages)
* “Payment terminated” must be printed on the last page.
Live with the insured person ★Documents for confirmation of income
Within income standards ★Documents for confirmation of income
  • (* Note 1) If the dependent has other income after separation from employment or termination of receipt of unemployment benefits, attach the applicable documents under “★ Documents for confirmation of income” in addition to the above documents.

[C] Documents required depending on the circumstances ◎ Attach all applicable documents depending on the circumstances together with the documents under [A] and [B].

Applicable circumstances Documents to attach
When applying for a child for whom both the insured person and his or her spouse provide Certificates of income and withholding tax of both spouses for the previous year (copies)
  • * Not required if the spouse is a Hitachi Health Insurance Society dependent
  • * You may be asked to submit additional documents in the event of differences in income amounts between the previous year and the time of application and anticipated future amounts.
When applying for the spouse’s family member for whom both the insured person and his or her spouse provide Certificates of income and withholding tax of both spouses for the previous year (copies)
  • * Not required if the spouse is a Hitachi Health Insurance Society dependent
  • * You may be asked to submit additional documents in the event of differences in income amounts between the previous year and the time of application and anticipated future amounts.
If the relationship between the insured person and the person subject to the application cannot be confirmed from the certificate of residence Certified copy of family register (copy acceptable)
If the person subject to the application was a Voluntarily and Continuously Insured Person during the period until dependency began Certificate of Loss of Eligibility As a Voluntarily and Continuously Insured Person (copy acceptable)
If the person subject to the application has a parent, spouse, etc.
(* Note 2)
★Documentation of the income of the parent, spouse, etc.
Applying for a child who lives separately in order to attend school (daytime classes) Certificate of school attendance (copy acceptable)
  • * In principle, no documentation of allowance is required in such cases.
Live apart from the insured person Documentation of allowance amounts for the most recent three months (* Note 3)
  • ATM receipt (copy)
  • Transaction details from Internet banking
  • Funds transfer request from financial institution (copy)
  • Deposit passbook (copy), etc.
    • * In principle, not required if the insured person is on an unaccompanied job posting as ordered by the company or if applying for his or her spouse.
  • (* Note 2) The case will be reviewed if another relative would normally be considered responsible for providing for the person subject to the application.
  • (* Note 3) These will be checked for a period of three months. If the allowance has just begun, we will review first for the months for which documentation can be attached. You will be required to submit documentation for the remaining months at a later date.

Beginning on April 1, 2020, when applying to name as a dependent a person who qualifies for the exceptions to the domestic residency requirement, submit the documentation specified in the table below in place of a certificate of residence, in addition to the documentation conventionally required when applying to name a family member as a dependent. (Determine which documents need to be attached based on the date dependency began.)

Reasons for exception Certifying documentation
(1) Student studying abroad Copy of visa
(2) Family member accompanying an insured person posted abroad A copy of any of the following: visa, written appointment overseas, certificate of residence issued by a foreign public agency.
(3) Person traveling abroad temporarily for sightseeing, recreation, volunteer activities, or other reasons unrelated to employment Copy of visa (For volunteer activities, in addition to the copy of visa, a copy of any of the following: certificate of agency dispatched for volunteer activities, certificate of consent to participate in volunteer activities)
(4) Person recognized as equivalent to (2) above due to family relationship to an insured person arising while the insured person is posted abroad Copy of documentation certifying birth, marriage.
(5) In addition to (1)-(4) above, person recognized to have a livelihood based in Japan in consideration of purposes of traveling abroad and other circumstances Subject to determination on a case-by-case basis. Please contact Hitachi Health Insurance Society.
  • Note: If documents were prepared in a foreign language, please attach a Japanese translation signed by the translator.

◎In principle, only documents obtained within three months of application are valid.

Documents Notes concerning Where to get it
Certificate of residence Omit permanent domicile and Individual Number (My Number).
Obtain a certificate showing information other than domicile and Individual Number.
Municipal office
Request for certificate of items stated in resident register Obtain this certificate from your municipal office.
Foreign residents must obtain certificates of residence.
Hitachi health insurance society homepage
Request for certificate of employment Obtain this certificate from the place of employment of the person subject to the application.
Use this document if pay statements for the most recent three months are unavailable because employment began recently or for other reasons.
Hitachi health insurance society homepage
Retirement certificate Obtain a certificate issued on a date on or after the date of separation, rather than a certificate of planned separation. Place of employment before separation
Separation slip (1)
and (2)
If the separation slip shows your Individual Number (My Number), be sure to black out the number so that it cannot be read after making the copy. Place of employment before separation
Tax-exemption certificate Must show amounts of “0 yen” for all income. Municipal office
Notice of pension remittance This notice is sent periodically by postcard or other form. Japan Pension Service, corporate pension funds, etc.
Response to Inquiry on Estimated Pension Amount of All Pension Systems Inquire with the parties shown at right for an estimate of your anticipated pension amount. Pension office
The Japan Pension Service’s Nenkin Net, etc.
Income tax return Prepare a copy of your final income tax return filed and received.
If the final income tax return shows your Individual Number (My Number), be sure to black out the number so that it cannot be read after making the copy.
Tax office
Documentation of allowance amounts
  • ATM receipt (copy)
  • Transaction details from Internet banking
  • Funds transfer request from financial institution (copy)
  • Deposit passbook (copy), etc.
Must clearly indicate the remittance date, the remittance amount, the remitting party (insured person), and the beneficiary (person subject to the application). Financial institutions, etc.
  • ◆In principle, note that the necessary documents will not be returned after they are submitted.
  • ◆You may be asked to submit other documents in addition to those described during the certification review process. We ask for your cooperation in these cases.