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Hitachi Health Insurance Society
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Insurance Premium Simulation (Voluntarily and Continuously Insured Person, Special-Case Retired Person)

By entering the following information, you can simulate the premiums for the "Voluntarily and Continuously Insured Persons Medical care system" and the "Special-Case Retired Persons Medical care system".
(If you do not meet the requirements for enrollment in each system, you will not be able to enroll.)

  • * Set the conditions from the pull-down menu and click the "Calculate" button. If you change the conditions, be sure to click the "Calculate" button again.
  • * The results of the calculation will be reflected in the "health insurance premiums" and "Long-term care insurance premiums" for the Voluntarily and Continuously Insured Persons Medical care system and Special-Case Retired Persons Medical care system in the table below.
Date of birth
Date of retirement or planned date of retirement
year   month   date
Amount of health insurance premium at the time of retirement
     * Please check your pay stub.
  • Note 1:The standard monthly remuneration during employment is subject to periodic review (updated periodically and revised as needed), so there may be a difference in the premiums at the time of simulation and at the time of eligibility for Voluntarily and Continuously Insured Person or Special-Case Retired Person insurance.
  • Note 2:Simulation is only for premiums for the year of enrollment.
    • * Depending on the time of year, premium simulation for the next fiscal year may not be available for confirmation due to unsettled premium rates and other factors.
  • Note 3:Clicking on the link below the calculation results of health insurance premiums will show you the details of the simulation for each method of premium payment, so please check when you enroll.
  Voluntarily and Continuously Insured Persons Medical care system Special-Case Retired Persons Medical care system
Membership Requirements (To check if you meet the requirements for each system, click on the "Check health insurance system" tab.)
  • (1) Those who have been insured for at least two full months up to the date of retirement
  • (2) Those who apply for enrollment within 20 days from the day after their retirement date.

Those who have a residence certificate in Japan, are entitled to receive an old-age welfare pension (those who have completed the procedures to start receiving pension benefits, including those whose pension benefits have been suspended), and meet one of the following conditions (excluding those who are covered by the medical care system for the elderly)

  • (1) Insured for 20 years or more under the Hitachi health insurance society
  • (2) Insured for 10 years or more in the Hitachi health insurance society after age 40
Health insurance premiums Uncalculated (monthly amount)
  • * The premium is determined by multiplying “the standard monthly remuneration at the time you leave your employer” by the insurance premium rate.
  • * Please note that the calculation is not based on your own income after retirement.
24,360 yen (monthly)
  • * The premium is determined by multiplying the lower of "the standard monthly remuneration at the time of retirement" or "the average of the standard monthly remuneration of all insured persons in the Hitachi health insurance society (as of September 30 of the previous year)" by the insurance premium rate.
    The amount specified by the rules of our health insurance society is 280,000 yen.
  • * Please note that your own income will not be used in the calculation.
Long-term care insurance premium
(Applicable to those between the ages of 40 and 64)
Uncalculated (monthly amount) Uncalculated (monthly amount)