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Hitachi Health Insurance Society
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After you leave your employer

After leaving your employer, you will lose your eligibility for membership in the Health Insurance Society and must join the appropriate medical care insurance program based on your individual circumstances.

  • Return your health insurance card soon after leaving employment.
  • You can remain a member of the Health Insurance Society if you meet certain conditions.
  • In some cases, you may continue to receive benefits even after losing your eligibility as an insured person.

Please return your health insurance card within five days after loss of eligibility as an insured person when you leave your employer. Thereafter, you must join the appropriate medical care insurance program based on your individual circumstances.

Medical care insurance available after leaving your employer

When the insured person (himself/herself) retires, he/she loses the status of being insured by the Hitachi health insurance society, and thereafter will be enrolled in the health insurance system appropriate to his/her situation. In addition, when they reach the age of 75, they will be enrolled in the late-stage medical care system for the elderly.

Post-retirement enrollment pattern

  • * Click in the red frame to jump to the link.
  • * If you would like to re-enroll in the Hitachi Health Insurance Association from another health insurance society, please contact the person in charge at Hitachi health insurance society.

Hitachi health insurance society
Operations (Application)
In charge of Voluntarily and Continuously Insured Person and Special-Case Retired Insured Person

TEL 03-4554-3020
FAX 03-4554-3055

You can receive benefits even after leaving your employer.

In some cases, persons who have been insured persons continuously for at least one year prior to leaving employment may be eligible to receive Injury and Sickness Allowance, the Childbirth and Childcare Lump-Sum Grant, Maternity Allowance, and funeral expenses, even after losing their eligibility.

Benefits paid after leaving employment (benefits paid to the insured person only, not to dependents)

Injury and Sickness Allowance
Conditions for payment: You must have been receiving, or satisfied the requirements to receive, Injury and Sickness Allowance at the time you left employment and remain unable to work due to treatment of the sickness or injury
Payment period:

For a total of 18 months counted from the payment start date of Injury and Sickness Allowance through the payment period

  • ** While you are not eligible to receive Injury and Sickness Allowance if you are receiving Old-Age Employees' Pension or similar benefits, you will be paid the difference if the amount of Old-Age Employees' Pension or similar benefits is less than the amount of the Injury and Sickness Allowance.
  • ** Payment of the Injury and Sickness Allowance will end if you become able to work after you leave your employer. In that case, aggregation of the payment period will not resume regardless of whether or not you have recovered and even if you again become unable to work due to the same injury or illness.
Reference link
Maternity Allowance
Conditions for payment: You must have been receiving, or satisfied the requirements to receive, Maternity Allowance at the time you left employment
Payment period: Until the end of the period for receipt of Maternity Allowance
Reference link
Childbirth and Childcare Lump-Sum Grant
Conditions for payment: The childbirth must have taken place within six months after loss of eligibility
Reference link
Funeral Expenses/Funeral Costs
Conditions for payment: (1) Within three months after loss of eligibility (there is no requirement to have been an insured person for a period of one year or longer)
(2) While receiving Injury and Sickness Allowance or Maternity Allowance
(3) In the event of death taking place within three months after receipt of these benefits ended
Reference link