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Hitachi Health Insurance Society
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About the inquiry form - Handling of personal information -

This inquiry form is for use by members with hearing or speech impairments, and use by members who need help in English. If you do not qualify to use this form, please contact us by telephone.

When the Health Insurance Society obtains personal information directly from a user, it will obtain the user’s consent to the following provisions before collecting and retaining the personal information.

Personal information obtained via this entry form will be used solely for the purposes specified in Paragraph 3 below. The personal information will never be used outside the scope of these purposes.

  • Name of organization
    Hitachi Health Insurance Society
  • Name, affiliation, and contact information for the manager responsible for personal information
    Manager: Chief Privacy Manager
    Title: Director-General
    Contact: tel. 03-4554-3110
  • Purposes of use of personal information
    ①To respond to inquiries and consultations received
    ②To promote future operations based on opinions, requests, and other feedback received etc.
  • Provision of personal information to third parties
    The Health Insurance Society will not provide personal information entered by the user to third parties except with the user’s consent or as required by laws and regulations.
  • Subcontracting of handling of personal information
    When the Health Insurance Society subcontracts the handling of personal information to an outside party, it will select a subcontractor recognized to handle personal information appropriately and supervise the subcontractor to ensure the appropriate handling of personal information.
  • Acceptance of requests concerning the personal data held and contact point for inquiries
    Address any requests for notification of purposes of use, disclosure, correction, addition or deletion, suspension of use, complete erasure, or suspension of provision to third parties, or other inquiries concerning personal information, to the following contact point.
    Hitachi Health Insurance Society Privacy Promotion Secretariat
    Higashi-Ochanomizu Building, 29 Kanda Awajicho 2-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0063
    Tel. 03-4554-3110 (hours: 8:50 am – 5:20 pm)
  • User’s free will not to submit personal information and consequences thereof for the user
    The user is free to choose not to provide personal information to the Health Insurance Society. However, failure to provide the necessary information may make it impossible for the Health Insurance Society to provide certain services appropriately.
  • Personal information obtained by methods not readily apparent to the user
    To enhance the services and convenience of its website, the Health Insurance Society may obtain information on those who view the website using cookies.

Handling of Personal Information

Proceed to the inquiry form.
  • * Please note that you will not be able to use the inquiry form if you do not agree.